
Writing Custom Plugins

How to create an analytics plugin

The library is designed to work with any third party analytics tool via plugins.

Plugins are a powerful abstraction that let you:

  • add a new analytics provider (like google analytics or marketo)
  • hook into an existing analytics provider plugin
  • or add any kind of logic to react to visitor actions

Types of plugins

All plugins are just plain javascript objects that expose methods for analytics to register and call.

They can be broken down into 2 types:

  1. Provider plugins - connecting to third party analytic services
  2. Custom plugins - additional features, data manipulation, & any other side effects.

Both have the same signature, as illustrated below.

1. Provider plugins

A provider plugin typically integrates with a third party analytics tool.

For example, the analytics-plugin-google-tag-manager plugin sends data to Google Tag Manager when page views, custom events, & identifying a visitor occurs.

Provider plugins typically

  1. Load in the third party analytics script via initialize
  2. Use track, page, and/or identify to send data into a third party analytics tool
  3. Have a loaded function to let analytics know when its safe to send the third party data.

Below is an example of a typically provider plugin

export default function providerPluginExample(userConfig) {
  // return object for analytics to use
  return {
    /* All plugins require a name */
    name: 'my-example-plugin',
    /* Everything else below this is optional depending on your plugin requirements */
    config: {
      whatEver: userConfig.whatEver,
      elseYouNeed: userConfig.elseYouNeed
    initialize: ({ config }) => {
      // load provider script to page
    page: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific page tracking
    track: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific event tracking
    identify: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific user identify method
    loaded: () => {
      // return boolean so analytics knows when it can send data to third party
      return !!window.myPluginLoaded

2. Custom plugins

Non provider specific plugins or "custom plugins" can react to different lifecycle events, modify payloads to third party tools, or add additional functionality to the core analytics library.

Below is an example of the do-not-track-plugin. This plugin hooks into the analytics lifecycle and intercepts page, track, identify, & initialize calls and cancels them if the user browser settings are set to "Do not track".

export default function doNotTrackPlugin(userConfig = {}) {
  return {
    name: 'do-not-track',
    config: Object.assign({}, userConfig),
    initializeStart: ({ abort, config }) => {
      if (doNotTrackEnabled()) {
        return abort('Cancel the initialize call because do-not-track enabled')
    pageStart: ({ abort, config }) => {
      if (doNotTrackEnabled()) {
        return abort('Cancel the page call because do-not-track enabled')
    identifyStart: ({ abort, config }) => {
      if (doNotTrackEnabled()) {
        return abort('Cancel the identify call because do-not-track enabled')
    trackStart: ({ abort, config }) => {
      if (doNotTrackEnabled()) {
        return abort('Cancel the track call because do-not-track enabled')

Plugin API

  • @property {string} name - Name of plugin
  • @property {Object} [EVENTS] - exposed events of plugin
  • @property {Object} [config] - Configuration of plugin
  • @property {function} [initialize] - Load analytics scripts method
  • @property {function} [page] - Page visit tracking method
  • @property {function} [track] - Custom event tracking method
  • @property {function} [identify] - User identify method
  • @property {function} [loaded] - Function to determine if analytics script loaded
  • @property {function} [ready] - Fire function when plugin ready

name is required for all plugins. All other methods are optional.

If you don't need to hook into page tracking, for example, just omit the page key from your plugin object.

To use a plugin, import it and pass it into the plugins array when you bootstrap analytics.

import Analytics from 'analytics'
import pluginExample from './plugin-example.js'

const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'my-app-name',
  plugins: [
      whatEver: 'hello',
      elseYouNeed: 'there'

Adding custom methods

Analytics plugins can provide their own custom functionality via the methods key.

import Analytics from 'analytics'

// Example plugin with custom methods
const pluginOne = {
  name: 'one',
  // ... page, track, etc
  // Custom functions to expose to analytics instance
  methods: {
    myCustomThing(one, two, three) {
      const analyticsInstance = this.instance
      console.log('Use full analytics instance', analyticsInstance)
    otherCustomThing: (one, two, ...args) => {
      // Arrow functions break this.instance context.
      // The instance is instead injected as last arg
      const analyticsInstance = args[args.length - 1]
      console.log('Use full analytics instance', analyticsInstance)
    // Async function examples
    async fireCustomThing(one, two, three) {
      const { track } = this.instance
      return 'data'
    triggerSpecial: async (argOne, argTwo, ...args) => {
      // Arrow functions break this.instance context.
      // The instance is instead injected as last arg
      const analyticsInstance = args[args.length - 1]
      return argOne + argTwo

// Example plugin with custom methods
const pluginTwo = {
  name: 'two',
  page: () => { console.log('page view fired') }
  // Custom functions to expose to analytics instance
  methods: {
    cookieBanner(one, two, three) {
      const analyticsInstance = this.instance
      console.log('Use full analytics instance', analyticsInstance)
      const cookieSettings ='preferences-set')
      if (!cookieSettings) {
        // Show cookie settings

// Initialize analytics instance with plugins
const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'your-app-name',
  plugins: [

// Using custom methods in your code

React to any event

Plugins can react to any event flowing through the analytics library.

For example, if you wanted to trigger custom logic when analytics bootstraps you can attach a function handler to the bootstrap event.

For a full list of core events, checkout events.js.

// Example Plugin plugin.js
export default function myPlugin(userConfig) {
  return {
    name: 'my-plugin',
    bootstrap: ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Do whatever on `bootstrap` event
    pageStart: ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Fire custom logic before calls
    pageEnd: ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Fire custom logic after calls
    trackStart: ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Fire custom logic before analytics.track() calls
    'track:customerio': ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Fire custom logic before plugin runs.
      // Here you can customize the data sent to individual analytics providers
    trackEnd: ({ payload, config, instance }) => {
      // Fire custom logic after analytics.track() calls
    // ... hook into other events

Plugin Naming Conventions

Plugins should follow this naming convention before being published to npm


E.g. An analytics plugin that does awesome-stuff should be named

npm install analytics-plugin-awesome-stuff

Need help?

If you have questions about what plugins can do, or how to build one feel free to reach out to @DavidWells on twitter.