
Send provider-specific events

Customizing where data is sent on a per-call basis

Often times, you might want to send only specific page, track, or identify calls only to a single specific analytics provider.

By default, when analytics is initialized with multiple plugins, any page, track, or identity call will send the data to every plugin with that corresponding method.

You can disable this default behavior by using the options parameter for page, track, or identify.

options.plugins will enabling or disable sending data to a specific analytics tool.

Single identify destination

Here is an example of how to disable all other identify calls except for the hubspot plugin.

Set all to false and whichever plugin you would like to send data to as true.

/* Send identify call to one 1 place */
const additionUserTraits = {
  color: 'blue',
  email: ''
analytics.identify('userId-123', additionUserTraits, {
 plugins: {
   // disable this specific identify in all plugins except hubspot
   all: false,
   hubspot: true

Single track destination

Here is an example of how to disable all other track calls except for the customerio plugin.

Set all to false and whichever plugin you would like to send data to as true.

/* Send track call to one 1 place */
const additionEventProps = {
  price: 11,
  sku: '1234'
analytics.track('eventName', additionEventProps, {
  plugins: {
    // disable this specific track call for all plugins except customerio
    all: false,
    customerio: true

Single page destination

Here is an example of how to disable all other page calls except for the google-analytics plugin.

Set all to false and whichever plugin you would like to send data to as true.

/* Send page call to one 1 place */{}, {
 plugins: {
   // disable this specific page in all plugins except google-analytics
   all: false,
   'google-analytics': true

Disabling destinations

Perhaps you want to exclude a provider or 2 from a specific call, the same options apply.

Set whichever plugin should not be fired in the options.plugins value.

analytics.track('eventName', {}, {
  plugins: {
    // disable `google-analytics` & `hubspot` from receiving this specific `analytics.track` call
    'google-analytics': false,
    'hubspot': false

Full example

For example, here we have an analytics instance with Google Analytics, HubSpot, and customerio.

import Analytics from 'analytics'
import googleAnalytics from '@analytics/google-analytics'
import customerIo from '@analytics/customerio'
import hubSpot from '@analytics/hubspot'

/* Initialize analytics with 3 plugins */
const analytics = Analytics({
  app: 'app-name',
  plugins: [
    // Attach analytic provider plugins
      trackingId: '123-xyz'
      portalId: '234576'
      siteId: '123-xyz'

If we were to call analytics.track('buttonClicked'), this event would send to all 3 providers.

To only send that specific buttonClicked event to a single provider, let's use the options.plugins object.

const payload = {} // empty payload in this example
const trackOptions = {
  plugins: {
    all: false, // <-- tell analytics to disable all tracking calls in all attached plugins
    hubspot: true // <-- Enable tracking calls only for hubspot
analytics.track('buttonClicked', {}, trackOptions)